O educar-se das classes populares oitocentistas no Rio de Janeiro entre a escolarização e a experiência / The auto-education from nineteenth-century popular classes in Rio de Janeiro between schooling and experience.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The main objective of this thesis was to enumerate and make a comprehensive analyzes of the educational experiences of the popular classes in the court/federal capital and province/state of Rio de Janeiro during the second half of the nineteenth-century and the first years of the twentieth-century assuming the active role of the popular classes in their own education. Such experiences were learned from three historical events: the workers associations; the workers press; and the movements for education leaded by householders in the suburban and rural parish of the court and the province of Rio de Janeiro. In these groups we were able to identify what we have called auto-education of the popular classes of the nineteenth-century and its educational representations. Analyzes of the statutes and reports from the workers associations and the resolutions from the imperial Council recommending or not its approval, the newspapers produced by workers and the petitions demanding from the imperial state the opening and reopening of schools allowed us to reaffirm the importance of the struggles of the popular classes, since at least the second half of the nineteenth-century, to transform the status of the education offered to the popular classes from a gift to a right.


associações de trabalhadores auto-education classes populares educar-se experiences experiência imprensa operária luta por escolarização popular classes struggles for education workers association workers press

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