O acidente do trabalho e a responsabilidade civil do empregador




The labor contract has its minimum content built by obligatory statements which, within some other determinations, imposes to the employer the caretaking of his staffâs psychophysiological health. Seen under this point of view, we can realize that, in case of damage suffered by the worker, a laborâs accident victim, the responsability has na obvious contractual nature, which comes from the contractâs breaking. The social claims have pushed a development of a kind of responsability called âaccidentaryâ, with an objective nature, transfered, by a legal imposition, to the State itself, which, through periodical contributions from the employer, would be responsable for the indenizationsâ payments, required in case of laborâs accident. What really happens, although, is that the indenization above refered doensât cover the entire damage suffered by the worker, and exactly by this reason heâs authorized to ask for a judicial pronunciation about the complement of that coverage, since the employer can be blamed for the incidentÂs ocurrency. The main consequence from the recognition of the employerÂs civil responsabilityâs contractual nature, denied by most of those who dedicates themselves to this subjectâs study, is the problem to stablish to whom belongs the duty of proving the guilt, which, recently started to come to the employer, freing the worker- being this last the weaker in the laborâs relationship- from this heavy processual duty that, in the most of the cases, occured to take away the necessary amount to recover the injuries itself, suffered due to the laborâs accident


accidentary responsabilityâs civil responsabilityâs acidente do trabalho. responsabilidade acidentÃria laborâs accident responsabilidade civil direito

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