Norms of animal production in intensive rearing : scenario for national legislation on animal welfare / Normas de produção de animais submetidos a sistema intensivo : cenario da legislação nacional sobre bem-estar animal




Brazil is the producing greater of meat of the world and has an important exterior market. Face to the new international demands of animal well-being, there is the need to update the Brazilian legislation, that dates of years 30? and it does not reflect the actual animal Brazilian production. Regarding the conditions of the Brazilian agribusiness growth and meat export it is needed to take care of the requirements of international norms, among others things, to the subjects related to animal welfare. This matter has higher importance nowadays due the housing of domestic animals is directly tied with the issues of efficiency of agricultural constructions and environmental as in the sense of the temperature conditions as well as air relative humidity and winds and the incidence of solar radiation, presence of aggressive gases and excess of noise, among others. Research towards this subject needed for better understandings on animal necessities and to be in good conditions. In the decade of 30 the Decree Law number 24.645 indicated that all the existing animals in the country were tutored by the State. Law 9.605/98 foreseen legal requirement in the Federal Constitution, being wide open for other subjects also related to the environment. In the same way the legislation that protects the animals of in the agribusiness production concept is obsolete, while the market demand updates. This research aimed to study and describe a scenario of the norms and legislations for the following types of requirements: rearing environment, handling and transport, in order to subsidize establishing adequate norms to the national reality. The research identified the critical points of rearing, handling and transportation in accordance with effective Europeans norms, and in accordance with the authors refered in the current literature about the welfare issues that has being questioned between countries, in this in specific case for poultry, dairy cows, and pigs. The established system of comparison was based on given scores varying from 1-5 (very bad to very good) as function of norms and legislations existence for each country and/or economic block; for each type of requirement, relative to the consciousness of the nation to the specific problem. Poultry, swine and dairy cattle welfare norms from European Union (EU), Brazil, Australia and Unites States of America (USA) were compared. The comparative analysis of the means was applied to the scores of the legislations and norms. The results indicated that when compared to country or economical block Brazil detain the lowest score, including all types of demands, and the mean score of Brazilian norms was significant lower (significance level of 95%) than the average score level of the other countries norms. The Brazilian legislation for poultry production is in average with a deficit of 57.80% in relation of legislation and norms, while compared to the reference average of norms and legislations that exist and are used in other countries. For the dairy cattle the scenario related to the existence of norms and legislations within farming transport is one of the most concerning points. For the swine production the comparison between the demand levels for all studied countries point that within farming transportation is also deficiary in norms and legislations. There is then the need to invest in the question of animal welfare norms and legislation in Brazil as well as for those countries known developed that to improve their norms and legislations for some specific demands.


animais - comportamento direitos dos animais welfare environment produção animal animais - proteção - legislação direito ambiental animal production norms

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