Narrativas pessoais : uma experiência didática de escrita em inglês sob a aprendizagem implícita e explícita. / Personal narratives - a didactic experience of writing in English under implicit and explicit instruction.




The theme of this work is personal narrative as an element of English teaching. Personal narratives are a very frequent type of genre in our oral day-today interactions. These oral narratives have the constant presence of certain elements in their internal structure, which are usually incorporated by written narratives. Therefore, the objective of this work is to use personal narratives as a tool for the teaching and learning of the English language. In order to reach this objective, a didactic experience was developed with fourteen students from a group under my responsibility in the Licentiate Degree in Languages (Portuguese- English) at Faculdade José Augusto Vieira (FJAV), in the city of Lagarto, Sergipe. The aim of the didactic experience was to enable students to write texts by making conscious use of the structure and elements of personal narratives as a text genre. The instruments which were used to verify the effectiveness of the didactic experience were questionnaires, field notes, students writing production and interviews. The research was based on the analysis of narratives according to Labov and Waletzky (1967), Pratt (1977), Prince (1983), Polanyi (1979), and Tannen (1982), among others. A theory of genres by Bakhtin (2003), Schneuwly (2004) and Marcuschi (2005), as well as a theory of writing by Raimes (1983), Flower and Hayes (1981) and Grabe and Kaplan (1996) integrated the work. Likewise, studies on implicit and explicit learning by Mathews et al. (1989), Zimmer and Alves (2006), and others, gave theoretical support to the research. The results of the research revealed the necessity to develop writing practices which attend both to the linguistic and social needs of learners. I hope that this work can contribute to the development of more meaningful teaching tasks and to the formation of more efficient writers of English as a foreign language.


linguistica aprendizagem da escrita em língua inglesa personal narratives narrativas pessoais learning of writing in english language aprendizagem implícita e explícita implicit and explicit learning

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