Mudanças nos uso e preços de terras do Estado de São Paulo - período de 1995 a 2010 / Changes in land use and farmland prices in São Paulo State: from 1995 to 2010


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work has examined major changes in land occupation in different regions of São Paulo State to determine major vectors of the observed changes in farmland prices, between 1995 and 2010. This period encompasses both the period of retraction and deregulation of the sugarcane sector, after the extinction of Proálcool program, and the new stage of investments for revitalization of the ethanol production chain, favored by worldwide discussion on climate changes. Such investments associated to advantageous international economic scenario for agricultural commodity prices, among them sugar, it promoted a new phase of sugarcane expansion in the state of São Paulo. However, the sudden spread of biofuel crops roused concerns that it was at the basis of rising farmland and food prices. Altogether, the swift economic growth in emerging markets put pressure not only over food and fuel supply, but also increasing demand on all kinds of products from the primary sector, which genuinely relies on land usage, such as natural fibers for textiles, and reforested wood, needed to sustain housing industry expansion. Incidentally, urban expansion is a farmland seizer itself. All this events concurrently contributed to wrench prices in agricultural land markets, making it difficult to tell apart individual precise impact on farmland prices. Taken by this course of facts, this research aimed specific objectives in analyzing the major determinants on farmland prices, with special interest on the substantial expansion of sugarcane crops, of eucalyptus reforestation and on demographic expansion amongst the 40 different regions, in which the state of São Paulo is divided, accordingly to the allotment of 40 governmental bureaus, called EDRs. As a result of this study using unusual information, it was analyzed the not very commonly relationship between mechanization of the land and land prices. Analysis using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and econometric panel models indicated a positive correlation between the percentage of areas suitable for mechanized harvesting of sugarcane crops (soil declivity under 15%) and price of land. Furthermore, sugarcane plantation expansion, demographic density and eucalyptus plantation expansion have positively impacted land values.


biocombustíveis biofuels expansão canavieira expansion of sugarcane plantation land prices mecanização mechanization preços de terras agrícolas

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