Movimentos de moradia e sem-teto em São Paulo: experiências no contexto do desmanche / Movements of Housing and No-Ceiling in Sao Paulo: experiences in context of undoes




This work intends to understand the practices and actions of the social movements which fight for housing projects and the sem-teto and its members in São Paulo, in the 1990 decade, inserted into the deconstruction context. This context has modified and transformed the categories, diagrams and the way which social movements experienced and fell upon public debate, changing terms of political action. The experience spreads, but in a field of possible shrinkage. The thesis intends to show that in this context politics appears as an excess. In a context of the possible shrinkage, politics can only appears necessarily on its principle, the democratic excess. The change of this context demands a re-interpretation of social movements starting from the observation of stories reported by its members and actors that surrounds them. Three movements that fight for housing projects and the sem-teto in São Paulo, which had their actions configured through the 1990 decade, were chosen to explore the thesis. Starting from the reported stories we focus on drawing a mapping of these social movements, its practices and the meanings of the established nominations.


habitação popular (política) centro (são paulo) suburb (sociology) downtown (são paulo) sociologia urbana (são paulo) urban sociology (são paulo) mutirão (a group of people that work together in order to achieve common goals) mutirão urban social movements movimentos sociais urbanos periferia (sociologia) council/public housing (politics)

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