Motivação do professor como ferramenta alavancadora da qualidade do ensino / Teacher motivation as a leveraging tool of teaching quality


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The purpose of this study was to identify, according to teachers of public schools of São Paulo State, (1) the factors of dissatisfaction, (2) the factors of motivation in their respective career phases, (3) suggestions of challenging goals in their professional careers, (4) their preferences between individual and collective challenges, and (5) stimuli which can be used in a leveraging plan, within the parameters of State Teaching Statute. The choice of subjects was done in two public schools of the state of São Paulo, both situated in the city of Presidente Prudente. The first one is located in the central area of the city, has 3000 students, being classified as of great size and, according to the Map of Social Exclusion of Presidente Prudente, is situated In the area of social inclusion. Located in a neighborhood of "mean social exclusion", according to the same geographical criterion applied to the first school, the second school has 1300 students, being classified as of medium size. The method chosen was a qualitative research study classified as a two case study. The data collection was conducted through a semi-structured interview guide, taking care of eliminating name, date or data that could lead to the identification of the teacher interviewed. Fourteen teachers of every career phase and age were interviewed. An observation guide of teacher work places was also utilized with the purpose of supporting and validating the statements collected through the interview. Finally, stimuli, which can be used as motivating factors, were identified by the teachers in the present legislation. Among the most relevant results of the study, an almost unanimity was found in relation to teacher career valorization and recognition, salary revision and a medium and long range plan for the profession. All these proposals were amply supported by the literature review, which highlights the need to remunerate, reward and recognize those professionals for eliminating their dissatisfactions, as a prerequisite for their motivation through which their performance will be better, overcoming the obstacles mentioned in the study and working more and qualitatively better. Finally, in the conclusions of the study the suggestion of an action plan based on the results of the study was presented. This plan intends to lead the teachers to compensate and overcome presently existing barriers in the profession.


satisfação do professor motivação do professor fatores de motivação do professor carreira do professor teacher satisfaction teacher motivation factors of teacher dissatisfaction factors of teacher motivation teacher career educacao fatores de insatisfação do professor

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