Money Straight to the School Program (MSSP): the process of public school management in the public school system of Campo Grande, MS (2002 2005). / Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola (PDDE): o processo de gestão da escola pública da rede estadual de Campo Grande, MS (2002 - 2005)




The aim of this paper is to analyze the Money Straight to the School Program (MSSP) and its consequences in the process of public school management and operation during the period 2002 to 2005. Initially named Maintenance and Development Program in Basic Education (MDPBE) it was changed to Money Straight to the School Program (MSSP) by the Provisory Law n 1.784, on December 14, 1998, and aims at giving the basic education schools, and non-governmental organizations without profit that are involved with special education, money for expenses and maintenance of their activities from funds originating from the education-salary, according to the number of students enrolled. However, receiving these funds is linked to the schools obligation to create an Executing Unit (ExU), in other words, an entity of private law, representative of the school community. Two public state schools from the city of Campo Grande, capital of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) were selected for this study, as they presented different forms of management: one with an elected governing board and the other with an appointed board. The main sources of investigation were made up of official documents such as; decrees, resolutions and manuals published by the National Fund for Development and Education (NFDE), besides the school records and interviews based on a list of open questions with the following people: principal of the school, president of the Parent-Teachers Association (PTA), in other words, an Executing Unit of the school, a representative of the parents, and one of the teachers, a member of the governing board (school with a governing board), and a representative from the State Secretariat of Education. The results indicated that the segments that represented the PTA and the school boards have a positive vision of the Money Straight to the School Program (MSSP), however that this Program has not brought about significant changes when referring to the process of management in the schools. Therefore the PTA carries out the more bureaucratic functions, not participating directly in the decision making of how the funds of the Money Straight to the School Program (MSSP) are applied.


money straight to the school program educacao política educacional educational policy programa dinheiro direto na escola. school management gestão escolar

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