Modelo de simulação em base horária da vazão na estação fluviométrica da régua-11 = : Simulation model in hourly basis of the flow at the fluviometric station R-11 / Simulation model in hourly basis of the flow at the fluviometric station R-11


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The fluviometric station of rule 11, or simply R-11, is situated downstream from the confluence of the Paraná, Iguaçu, Acaray and Monday rivers, about 20 km away from Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant on the border between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. This region is subject to restrictions imposed by international agreements such as the implementation of the Tripartite Agreement signed by the three countries in October 1979, which states that variations in the level of the Paraná River at this point should not exceed half a meter per hour, or two meters per day, thus imposing operating restrictions for the Itaipu plant. Itaipu is responsible of the fulfillment of the hydraulic constraints of Tripartite Agreement which are dependent on the plant s operation. This work presents a simulation model on hourly basis of the flow at the fluviometric station R-11, to determine the hourly and daily variation levels of the Paraná River at this station. The simulator calculates levels at the point using the König propagation curve to determine the impact occurred at the level of the Paraná River in R-11, due to variations in the flow release in Itaipu, as a consequence of alterations in turbine discharge and spillage in the hydroelectric. Besides Itaipu operation influence on the level of the post R-11, the simulator also considers the influence of the Iguaçu River flow using the Muskingum-Cunge routing method, along the stretch between the Salto Caxias Hydroelectric Power Plant and the fluviometric station of Hotel Cataratas in Iguaçu River. The results showed an adequate representation of the values observed, since not all incremental water inflow of stretch in study was considered. The flow of the river Acaray and Monday were considered constant at 200 [m3/s] due to data unavailability.


simulação (computadores) previsão de vazões simulation by computer prediction of flows

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