Mobilidade diafragmática em pacientes com DPOC: avaliação ultra-sonográfica do deslocamento crânio-caudal do ramo esquerdo da veia porta / Diaphragm mobility in COPD patients: ultrasound assessment of the craniocaudal displacement of the left branch of the portal vein




The purpose of this study was to use ultrasound to measure the craniocaudal displacement of the left branch of the portal vein in order to evaluate the relationship between pulmonary function and diaphragm mobility, as well as that between respiratory muscle strength and diaphragm mobility, in COPD patients. We studied 54 COPD patients with pulmonary hyperinflation, together with 20 healthy subjects. Pulmonary function, maximal respiratory pressures, and diaphragm mobility were evaluated. COPD patients presented less diaphragm mobility than did healthy individuals (36.46 +/- 10.90 mm vs. 46.33 +/- 9.47 mm, respectively) (p = 0.001). In COPD patients, we found that diaphragm mobility correlated strongly with pulmonary function parameters that quantify air trapping (RV: r = -0.60; p <0.001; RV/TLC: r = -0.76; p <0.001), moderately with airway obstruction (FEV1: r = 0.55, p <0.001; airway resistance: r = -0.32, p = 0.02), and weakly with pulmonary hyperinflation (TLC: r = -0.28, p = 0.04). No relationship was observed between diaphragm mobility and respiratory muscle strength (maximal inspiratory pressure: r = -0.11 and p = 0.43; maximal expiratory pressure: r = 0.03 and p = 0.80). The results of this study suggest that the reduction in diaphragm mobility in COPD patients occurs mainly due to air trapping and is not influenced by respiratory muscle strength or pulmonary hyperinflation.


ultra-sonografia ultrasound respiratory muscles diafragma respiratory function tests diaphragm músculos respiratórios chronic obstructive pulmonary disease testes de função respiratória doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica

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