Métrica para avaliação da inconsistência hidrológica de terrenos representados por MDE / Metric for evaluate the hydrological inconsistency of terrains represented by DEM


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This paper presents a method to evaluate the hydrologic inconsistencies in terrain represented by digital elevation model. This method becomes important because of the widespread use of GIS in the hydrology area and hydrological consistency of digital terrain models have received attention of many researchers. Currently checking the model hydrologic consistency is made by comparing visually the drainage networks obtained from a digital elevation model with the reference network, usually a mapped network. The method compares the drainage network automatically obtained from the terrain with a reference network. The differences obtained are quantified to determine the similarity between the two networks. Basically, the network evaluation consists in comparing the corresponding rivers to compute the similarities in the river length, springs, mouths and rivers route along each tributary. The association between the corresponding portions of rivers is performed based on the Voronoi diagram with the Otto-coding process that classifies rivers using numeric codes generated from the length of the network. The metric presented identified correctly the errors, mainly in the inclusion of errors made to validate this. A advantage of this method is that it allows the identification of hydrologic inconsistencies by numbers instead of visual identification. In addition, the Otto-coding modified this process has become simple to be carried back and representativeness for the metric because it allows to identify main rivers, water networks density and identification unique of each section.


rede de drenagem mde otto-coding drainage networks dem ciencia da computacao otto-codificação

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