Mediação computacional como fator de motivação e de aprendizagem significativa no ensino de ciências do 9 ano: tópico de astronomia / Computational mediation as a motivator and meaningful learning in science teaching 9th grade: astronomy topic




The main objective of this study was to examine the possibilities of using hypertext and pedagogic mediation in search of a Meaningful Learning. In it we investigate the use of hypertext in the teaching and learning of concepts of Astronomy. The survey was conducted with students in 9th grade of basic education of a school in the city of Goiânia, Goiás. We analyze the possibilities that hypermedia can offer in teaching and learning process, using as reference the Theory of Meaningful Learning of David Ausubel and employees. The study was divided into four phases: initial questionnaire used with students, preparation of didactic material (hypertext), classes in computer lab with the use of hypermedia and final questionnaire used in the lab after classes. The first phase aimed to identify the initial knowledge (subsumers) students about astronomy. In the second phase, we restructured the foundations of hypertext, taking into account the ideas identified in the initial questionnaire. In the third phase, we use the hypertext resources developed in an attempt to provide a Meaningful Learning. Finally, we applied a questionnaire to evaluate the pedagogical mediation process and the occurrence of learning. This research indicated that the use of hypertext linked to pedagogical mediation processes is presented as a motivational tool and contributed to a Meaningful Learning.


ensino de física aprendizagem significativa hipertextos no ensino mediação computacional ensino de astronomia educacao 1.aprendizagem-astronomia-sistemas de hipertexto 2.sistemas de hipertexto 3.aprendizagem 4.astronomia physics teaching meaningful learning hypertext in education computational mediation teaching of astronomy

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