MÃtodo para avaliaÃÃo de aspectos de camada fÃsica e MAC de redes 802.11. / Method to evaluate physical and MAC layer aspects of 802.11 networks.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present dissertation proposes a 802.11 network evaluation sequence which can be adopted, independently of the equipment used at the network. The log-distance path loss model is used for the environment characterization (by the model β parameter) where the network is evaluated. The specific objectives of each evaluation stage are presented and contextualized. The full proposal has initial steps related to the information determination which will be used as references of equipment location and data, and of network performance. Those reference data will be later compared to the handled data obtained from measurements related to the physical and MAC (Medium Access Control) layer performance and behavior, as well as to the transport layer. By the end, one stage to consolidate the measured data is necessary in order to determine a single final result, weigh up according to the specific objectives of the network and/or equipment evaluation. However, the work focus is at the equipment data obtaining stage and at the lower layers (physical and MAC) performance/behavior determination, so that evaluation methods are developed for those two stages. It is demonstrated that the effective transmission physical layer data rates vary much more than what is expected due to the interpretation of the data provided by equipment manufactors. And that better performance could be obtained from complex networks, which made use of multiple access points, installed at unfavorable propagation environments, depending upon the network project.


802.11 avaliaÃÃo de redes sem fio telecomunicacoes 802.11 mac log-distance path loss β environment wireless network evaluation β path loss log-distance mac ambiente

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