Logística de transportes em cadeia de abastecimento integrada : um estudo de caso sobre a eficiência da cadeia de distribuição internacional de frutas pelos portos do Ceará




The objective of this research is to describe and evaluate the efficiency of logistic transport in supply chain of the fruit-producing sector through the ports of Ceará via the performance indicators take from academic literature,evaluations of professional shipping-agents as the representatives of shipping-lines,the specialized media and the theoretic model CPFR(Collaborative Planning,Forecasting,and Replenishment)with CTM(Collaborative Transportation Management).The problem raised in this research was to identify which variables shown as performance indicators represent strangulation points in the logistic process.The main argument in this dissertation is that the better the integration between the participants in a supply chain , the better will be its efficiency.As to its method,the study developed within an exploratory focus,at a descriptive level and adopted the strategy of a case-study.It was co cluded that there is aware ess of the necessity for implantation of better practices; however this awareness or intent had not yet brought about realization of the constructio of a efficiently integrated supply chain due to the various strangulatio points identified in this research.


logÍstica - dissertaÇÕes frutas - exportaÇÃo - dissertaÇÕes administracao de empresas cadeia de abastecimento - dissertaÇÕes transportes marÍtimos - dissertaÇÕes

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