Lithograph-moulded poly-L-co-D,L lactide porous membranes for osteoblastic culture


Mat. Res.




Pore size, shape, wall morphology, porosity, and interconnectivity are important characteristics of the scaffolds. Lithography is a manufacturing technique that allows the production of tridimensional scaffolds with a controllable and reproducible inner architecture. The aim of this study was to use lithography to create a poly-L-co-D,L lactide (PLDLA) scaffold with symmetrical pore size and distribution, and to evaluate its biocompatibility with osteoblasts in vitro. Lithographic moulds were used to produce porous PLDLA membranes by a casting procedure. Osteoblasts were removed from calvarial bones and seeded onto porous and smooth PLDLA membranes after which cell viability and adhesion assays, cytochemical analysis and scanning electron microscopy were used to characterize the cells. Cell viability and adhesion assays, cytochemical analysis, and scanning electron microscopy were carried out. Cell viability was similar on porous and smooth PLDLA membranes but higher than on a polystyrene substrate (positive control). Although osteoblasts adhered to the surface of all the materials tested, cell adhesion to lithographed PLDLA was greater than to smooth PLDLA membranes. In conclusion, osteoblasts interacted well with PLDLA membranes, as shown by the viability and adhesion assays and by the enhanced collagen production.

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