Linhas e entrelinhas da memória : o Arquivo do Senado Federal no período de 1946-1964




This research work is embedded in the fields of Archivology and History through a theoretical review of concepts of these two areas of knowledge, of the Social and Human Sciences. As such, permeates the universe of memory, the concept and design of archive, document, and examines the practical case of the Brazilian Federal Senate Archive, during the period known as liberal republic, from 1946 to 1964. Our research was the result of a dialogue with the documentary sources found in the Archive of the Senate, and the identification of the historical, sociopolitical context with the aim of identifying and examining what were the practices of documental treatment in the Federal Senate Archive, we analyzed how they reflect or are in any way reflected in Brazils sociopolitical context.


arquivo archive historia documentary patrimony federal senate patrimônio documental. senado federal

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