LIMITES ÉTICO-JURÍDICOS DAS PESQUISAS COM CÉLULAS-TRONCO EMBRIONÁRIAS: a histórica decisão do STF no atual Estado Democrático de Direito brasileiro / ETHICAL AND LEGAL LIMITS OF RESEARCH ON STEM CELLS EMBRYONIC: the historic Supreme Court decision in the current Democratic State Brazilian Law




A review the decision of the Supreme Court ruled as a constitutional law 11.105/05 (Biosafety Law) concerning the possibility of using embryonic stem cells for scientific research derived from the manipulation of frozen embryos more than three years or impractical for human reproduction. The decision became historic because it can generate the 1st public hearing held by the Supreme Court that, besides having to deal with issues that at first escaped legal issues, such as the beginning of human life in a biomedical perspective. Throughout the analysis, there is a new insight into the legal issues is becoming increasingly a social need, particularly when discussing issues related to human life and ethics, as these create a number of consequences that impact directly the legal environment. The search for solutions to such problems is presented as urgent in view of social harmony, which is necessary to rescue the constitutional principles as a means able to balance tensions between science presented, Law and Ethics. Thus, they are justified in the light of Biolaw and Democratic State of Brazil, the advantages, disadvantages and consequences of permitting such research, so that we can finally analyze the favorable decision of the Supreme Court for the research, which allows, in the near future, be formulated and implemented policies regarding the issues under investigation.


Ética ethics biodireito biolaw direito publico células-tronco embrionárias embryonic stem cells estado democrático de direito brasileiro democratic state of brazil supremo tribunal federal supreme court

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