Lasic process: um framework conceitual para integração de padrões de gestão ao desenvolvimento de projetos de propriedade intelectual de sistemas eletrônicos integrados em chips (IP-SOCS)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work is presented as a contribution to the field of design of digital systems integrated on chips (SoCs). Its main focus is to develop and deploy a (new) conceptual framework for the implementation of digital integrated circuits, with a strong emphasis on project management, called LASICProcess. As a natural consequence of the work and serving as a proof of concept, is presented a web application that implements the proposed framework. Among other aspects, it presents a description of the inclusion of a formal project management layer in the digital integrated circuits design flow used by the toolset of open and free software: the Alliance CAD System. The application, which carries the same name as the framework, allows the use of these tools remotely (without the need to install any software on the client side), provides total isolation of the corporate environment with respect to the user interface and was born with a strong vocation to become a powerful resource for collaborative work and even the distance training of human resources for the design of digital integrated circuits. Special care has been devoted to showing that the set of tools used, although being developed and used primarily in academia, provides support to all disciplines addressed and required by commercial and industrial environments for corresponding tasks, as well as to the possibility of (re) configuration of the proposed environment, in order to exchange all or part of the tools ALLIANCE by its equivalent from another provider.


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