Isotopical analysis of free range and wild capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) tissues / Análise isotópica de diferentes tecidos de capivara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) de criadouro e vida livre




Based on isotopic methodology, this study developed a dietary analysis of free range and wild capybara, using different tissues (muscle, blood, nail and hair), in order to provide information for the species management and verify possible alternative tissues that reflect the values of the consumption source. It was analyzed carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stable isotopes of the different tissues and .The interpretation of carbon results were based on the isotopic differences between C3 plants and C4 plants while the nitrogen interpretations were based on the type of nitrogen fixation done by each kind of plant. The samples were collected at the Estação Experimental da Fazenda Areão, located inside of Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Piracicaba/SP; Parque Estadual Alberto Löfgren, São Paulo/SP; Fazenda das Posses, district of Holambra II/SP and Fazenda Santarém, Três Rios/RJ. The average values of nail and hair 13C compared to muscle of all areas showed a 1,5 fractionation, on the other hand blood values, in all areas, show no fractionation if compared to muscle tissue. The carbon incorporated into the capybara muscles at the Piracicaba site was 100% from C4 plants, similar to Holambra II that showed about 92% of C4 plants in their diet. In the two groups of Três Rios this percentual varied from 53 to 80% of C4 plants. In the São Paulo area, based on blood 13C results it was possible to observed one group whose values varied from 73 to 89% and another group from 46 to 71% of C4 plants in their diet. The average fractionation values of nail, hair and blood in comparison with the muscle was about 1. The d15N results were important to characterize the areas since the values of the capybara groups of each area show itself to be statically different. The results obtained in this study show the efficiency of the isotopic tool into a perspective of a dietary analyses, producing solid information to possible management plans of wild and free range animals as well as showing alternative possibilities for the use of another tissue besides muscle that can be collected in a more practical and painless way for the animal leading to similar results.


nitrogênio. hydrochoerus hydrochaeris capivaras isótopos estáveis ecologia animal manejo animal dieta animal diet. stable isotope carbono

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