Introdução de misturas de GNV e hidrogênio (Hidrano) em veículos convencionais no Brasil e seus impactos econômicos, ambientais e energéticos / Introduction of CNG and hydrogen (HCNG) for conventional vehicles and its economic, environmental and energy impacts


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Several strategies have been proposed to introduce hydrogen in the economy specifically in the transport sector in order to reduce environmental impacts of conventional fuels. One of the strategies implies in adding hydrogen to compressed natural gas (HCNG), making use of the existing refueling stations and natural gas fleet. Thus the costs and time for the introduction of hydrogen in the economy will be reduced. This thesis verifies whether hydrogen can be immediately introduced into the Brazilian energy market by means of HCNG, containing mole fractions of 10%, 20% and 30% of hydrogen, employed as fuel for conventional vehicles adapted to CNG. Hydrogen will be generated by water electrolysis in the CNG station. Then the cost of hydrogen and the prices and competitiveness of HCNG were determined to meet the sales profile of a midsize gas station in the states of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The final price of HCNG depends mainly on the price of its major constituent, CNG, sold at that time for 1,308 R$/m3 in the State of São Paulo and for 1,662 R$/m3 in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The price of HCNG to the consumer varies between 1,474 R$/m3 e 2,047 R$/m3, depending on its composition and the region. In view of its competitiveness compared to other automotive fuels, HCNG 10 (CNG with 10% molar fraction of hydrogen) shows good potential for marketing. The competitiveness among fuels in the State of Sao Paulo is 0,280 R$/km for gasoline, 0,259 R$/km for ethanol, 0,111 R$/km for CNG, 0,129 R$/km for HCNG 10 with power tariff B3 and 0,125 R$/km for HCNG 10 with power tariff A4 Conventional. In the State of Rio de Janeiro the competitiveness is 0,300 R$/km for gasoline, 0,311 R$/km for ethanol, 0,141 R$/km for CNG, 0,161 R$/km for HCNG 10 with power tariff B3 and 0,157 R$/km for HCNG 10 with power tariff A4 Conventional. The energy and environmental impacts of this proposal were also estimated. There is a reduction of CO2 and CO emissions. THC emissions are likely to be reduced and NOx are likely to increase. The proposal of introducing HCNG allows electric utilities to enter the market for vehicular fuels and increase their sales. At the same time, natural gas utilities will have the sales of CNG reduced in the short term, although this trend may be reversed in the medium and long terms with performance gains brought by HCNG to vehicles.


hidrogênio gás natural automóveis - combustíveis economia de energia eletrolise hydrogen natural gas automobiles energy economics electrolysis

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