Intelligent system to control voltage regulator relays / Sistema inteligente para controle de relés reguladores de tensão




This work presents an approach to voltage control in power distribution systems with load tap changers. Intelligent approaches are studied and applied in voltage regulator relay in order to improve the voltage profiles of the system. The proposal of this work is the addition of fuzzy modules in the conventional voltage regulator relays, which allows the exploration of the main functionalities already implemented in such devices. The adaptive fuzzy voltage regulator relay controls the voltage in the distribution substation, monitoring electrical variables and performing the regulation on secondary bus based on the results provided by the fuzzy modules, which are capable to take into account the voltage profile standards for distribution systems as well as operational interests defined by electrical distribution companies. Simulation results using real data from substations are presented to validate the proposed approach.


relé regulador de tensão distribution systems comutador de tap sistemas de distribuição sistemas fuzzy tap changers fuzzy systems voltage regulator relay

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