Iniciaves of digital inclusion: a study about the São Paulo Community Telecentre Program / Iniciativas de inclusão digital: um estudo sobre o programa de telecentros comunitários da cidade de São Paulo




The assimilation of ICTs in different societies is viewed as the newest frontier of debate on the differences between rich and poor and on the ability of individuals were entering so autonomous, as assets subject of the construction of its history. The technologies when not pushed to the broad set of society, ultimately deepen an existing problem of social divide. In this case is obligation of the govern shares of public policies to minimize the negative effects forward by the process of technological transformation by promoting actions of digital inclusion. Thus, in this context, this work is proposed to search the policy of digital inclusion promoted by the mayor of Sao Paulo through the Program of Community Telecenters. With the prospect the vision of professionals working in the care and guidance to users of each unit.


tecnologia da informação - aspectos sociais digital inclusion information and communication technology digital divide inclusão digital

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