Incorporação da Questão de Gênero pelas Políticas Públicas na Esfera Local de Governo / Incorporation of Gender by Local Governments' Public Policies




This study presents the results of a research about the incorporation of the gender perspective on public policies at the subnational level of government in Brazil. The study deals not only with programs with focus on gender, but also with a whole set of programs in different sectors, to verify if they integrate the gender perspective. The research is based upon the Gestão Pública e Cidadania data bank, an award and dissemination program of the subnational level of government initiatives, which includes governamental programs from the 1996 Cicle. The analysis suggests that the gender programs include, besides the traditional activities - mainly programs of health of mothers and children - a set of programs that focus questions like domestical violence, prostitution of children, family planning, sexuality, work and income programs, and others, which integrate the agenda of gender movements in Brazil. With respect of the other policies, two aspects must be pointed: a) in spite of the absence of a gender orientation, when the programs were set, in some cases, there is a progressive incorporation of the gender aspect as long as the programs develop; b) an expressive group of these programs deals with questions formulated by gender movements or by women whitin the programs target groups.


gênero políticas públicas governo local mulher políticas de gênero

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