Incorporação da inteligência competitiva às atividades de planejamento estratégico do projeto de produtos industriais




According to the Knowledge Management tenets, with the evolution of the market and with the growing of the available information for the enterprises volume, a need is felt by the enterprises to collect a variety of available information and to define its best application on the enterprises activities through the generation of intelligence, thus characterizing a competitive system. This piece of research provides the development of a model for inclusion of the Competitive Intelligence (CI) actions into the Strategic Product Project Planning (SPPP). The present work belongs in the Knowledge Management subarea of the Knowledge Engineering and Management Post-Graduation Program at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. An exploratory survey was the methodological basis for the present investigation. Among the five enterprises that took part in this piece of research, one was chosen as the case study, the other was chosen for the application of the pilot-testing, and another one was chosen as the reference of best practices or benchmarking. The exploratory survey was useful for (i) getting to know better the reality of the enterprises and (ii) making the choice for the case study a methodologically-based selection. The MIPE the model of inclusion of the Competitive Intelligence (CI) actions in the Strategic Product Project Planning (SPPP) - is composed of four phases with two sub-phases each, corresponding to the specific objectives of the present work. The results show that the sequence established for the application of MIPE has contributed for its success. The verification of the applicability of MIP through the ithink software and based on Systems Dynamic theory has shown its plausibility. The results also show that the higher CI relevant information quality level is added Competitive Intelligence (CI) actions in the Strategic Product Project Planning, the more SPPP spent time will be reduced. The addition of information to the CI elements caused a gain in the PEPP time: 64 days, which is less than the time of enterprise selected as benchmarking for the same activity 79 days. Thus, due to the fact that the case study enterprise works on an Engineering-to-Order production basis, it can be stated that each product developed by this enterprise is an innovative product regarding the previous one. As innovation is directly related to the information that the enterprise collects and as the company that develops a product planning and a product faster reaches the market first, it can be stated that this kind of incorporation stimulates the creation of innovative products.


projeto de produto inteligência competitiva planejamento estrategico engenharias engenharia e gestão do conhecimento strategic planning

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