Inclusive education : possibilities and challeges for a state public school in Campinas / Educação inclusiva : possibilidades e desafios para uma escola publica estadual de Campinas




The research aims to study the implementation of a proposed in-service teacher training on "inclusion". The study was conducted during the sessions teachers dedicate, outside the classroom, to planning and exchanging ideas about teaching and education (HTPC). The study took place in a state public elementary school, belonging to the Regional Board of Education West Campinas. A qualitative approach was used as an instrument, as well as the case study, involving the use of different techniques and procedures of research. School documents and legislation were examined and analized regarding the understanding of inclusion policies. Content analysis was used for this purpose as well as other techniques in current use in ethnographic studies, such as interviews, participant observation, recording and analysis of audio. These were used to understand and analyze the views of the subjects involved in the research. The study aims to produce knowledge that will enable the planning of systematic proposals for training or in service training of teachers


formação de professores pesquisa - ação education case studies ensino publico inclusão social estudo de casos qualitative research action research educação teacher training pesquisa qualitativa public schools social inclusion

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