Incentivos fiscais e investimentos na industria de transformação no estado da Bahia (1994 a 2004) : internacionalização produtiva e subdesenvolvimento / Tax incentives and investments in the "industria de transformação" in Bahia state (1994-2004) : productive internationalization and underdevelopment




This paper attempts to contribute to characterizing the investments realized in the industry of transformation in the state of Bahia between 1994 and 2004, identifying their impacts on the state?s economy and in the quality of life of the local population. The study examines sectors of activities that were most affected in that period, and also considers some indicators of the labor market. The results show that in the given period, there was a deepening of such structural characteristics of the Bahian economy as: technological dependency, reduced productive linkages, an amplification of decision - making outside the state, weak capacity of incorporating the work force, and an increase of concentration of wealth. That is, economic indicators suggest that the underdevelopment of this state was intensified. Thus, the level of growth through globalization, based on private investment, did not constitute a viable alternative for combating underdevelopment. To the contrary, the internationalization of the Bahian economy- to the degree that this represented greater integration with foreign countries than with other regions in Brazil- transferred outside the country productive decision-making that before had been limited to the national arena. The state was left in an even more subordinated position because of its reduced capacity to interfere in the rhythm and expansion of its investments. Moreover, the internationalization of the economic productive process may put in risk the project of national construction because reducing the economic interdependency among Brazil?s regions contributes to creating tensions and rivalries among them. It also threatens to reverse the productive integration of autonomous regions with preferential external links to the economic system


bahia incentivos fiscais investimentos investments tax incentives industry of transformation economia - bahia industria de transformação - bahia economy

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