Identificação dos parâmetros necessários para análise de rede de estrutura múltipla com base na análise por simulação de fluxo TCP por vazão de fluidos




The major worldwide operators of transport in telecommunication networks have sought tools that, together with traffic statistics, allow their infrastructure to be enabled such that there is no rejection or delay of traffic due to transport capacity. Observing a private network with a considerable geographic size and, for a private high-density network with an expansion rate always positive, both in its infrastructure and in its traffic volume, we seek to bring the analysis performed by the Major Carriers for a private network. Thus, in this dissertation, we seek to bring to light the discussions and research that bring in their wake the objective of predicting the need to upgrade the transport infrastructure based on the knowledge of the transport content resulting from an intervention in the network, whether by expansion/contraction of its physical infrastructure or by the volume of the carried load. Knowing some of the work that has been performed and that is in progress, we seek to bring together some of the research in progress with some network modeling requirements. In this way, we begin to construct a framework of contents that can serve how a guide in the construction of a system for predicting the traffic state in a private network, upon knowledge of the interventions that alter the infrastructure or the traffic load volume. This content highlights the need to adequately select the parameters and forms for simulating the network traffic, both in their traffic measurement definitions and in the profile of its sources. Thus, we observe that the methodology for both traffic simulation and network modeling influence the quality of the results and their mirroring of reality.


rede de dados vazão modelagem simulação telecomunicação flow modeling telecommunication data network traffic tráfego engenharia eletrica simulation

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