Identidades e cultura afro-brasileira : a formação de professoras na escola e na universidade. / Identities and african-brazilian culture : the training of teachers in school anduniversity.




This thesis deals with the issue of identities in a teacher education course concerned with African and Afro-Brazilian History and Culture. The course offered by CEAFRO, a program of education and professionalization for racial and social equality started by CEAO Center of Afro-Oriental Studies, Federal University of Bahia, focused on the education and formation toward racial and social equality. Associating language and education, this study aligns itself to the field of Applied Linguistics, articulating knowledge generated in Critical Discourse Analysis, in Cultural Studies, in Anti-Racism Education and in the Social Sciences. To focus on the ethnomethods built during the formation of the teachers as part of the implementation of Law 10.639/03, the data sources were interviews with female instructors and teachers, Focus Group sessions and documents. The data analysis highlights statements made by the interviewees about themselves and about the process they had taken part of in the course taken. It also explores the aspects of their formation that can be included in the initial and continuing program for the formation of teachers in racial relations. The creation of links and horizontal relationships between instructors and teachers, the distinction between formation and activism, the challenges faced in the formation process are discussed and the implication drawn is that it is possible to have the teachers as allies in the reversion of racism through education.


linguistica discurso e poder formação de professoras identidade étnico-racial discourse and power training of teachers ethnic and racial identity

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