Hyptis fruticosa Salzm. ex Benth. (Lamiaceae): caracterização botânica, química, avaliações ecofisiológicas e atividades farmacológicas. / Hyptis fruticosa Salzm. ex Benth. (Lamiaceae): characterization botany, chemistry, ecophysiological assessments and pharmacological activities.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Hyptis fruticosa Salzm. ex Benth. (Alecrim do campo) is an aromatic plant widely used in folk medicine due to its therapeutic properties. Therefore the aim of this work was to undertake botanical, chemical, ecophysiological, and pharmacological studies. The botanical investigations observed and analyzed information about morphological, physiological, and environmental characteristics of specimens of H. fruticosa, sampled in six locations. Inter-relations with fauna and flora, soil types and climatic aspects, were observed. Reproductive strategies were investigated at the sample sites and laboratory, and the characteristics of the carcerules (seeds inside) were observed under Optical Microscopy (OM) and Electronic Microscopy (EM). The chemical composition of the gel formed from the mucilage filaments of the carcerule was obtained by colorimetric method, Gas-Liquid Chromatography (GLC), and Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC). The formation of the most frequent monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes of the essential oil (EO) of H. fruticosa was analyzed taking in consideration the chemical drift of these constituents. The composition and variability of the EO of H. fruticosa were obtained by GC-ME ( Gas Chromatography connected to a Mass Espectrometry) and GC-FID (Gas Chromatography coupled with Flame Ionisation Detection) from the leaves and stems, during the vegetative, flowering, and fruiting stages, besides the seeds and flowers. The same procedure characterized the EO from the leaves and stems, during the vegetative stage, obtained in six sample sites. Cluster Analysis (CA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed the existence of variable compositions, reinforcing the possibility of chemical polymorphism. The influence of the extraction methodology on the chemical composition was observed, taking into consideration the differences in between the EO obtained by hydrodestilation, constituents of the hidrolate, and the resinous material obtained from the trichomes. The hydrical stress effects on the ecophysiological parameters were evaluated; for instance photosynthesis, transpiration, stomata conductance, internal CO2, chlorophyll content, and EO constitution. Three different EO compositions of H. fruticosa showed important antinociceptive effects in two pharmacological pain models, with peripheral and central property without the influence of the opioid system. The EE (Ethanolic Extract) and its fractions n-C6H14, EtOAc, and MeOH/H2O presented inhibitory activities in experimental models of oedema and cellular migration. The antimicrobial activities of the EO and EE and its fractions (ethylacetat, hexanic, and chloroformic) inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus MRSA and Trichophyton rubrum. The antioxidant activities of the EE and its fractions, evaluated in vitro, scavenged the free radical (DPPH) with a higher inhibition potential (IP = 99.73%, EtOAc) compared to control (95.53%). The allelopathic potential was demonstrated by the inhibitory effects of the EE and EO in the germination and growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Dispersion of volatiles constituents with phytotoxic activities by the aerial parts of the plant was detected experimentally, with the utilization of Dynamic Headspace (DHS). Genetic polymorphism of six populations of H. fruticosa was investigated with the application of molecular markers (RAPD), confirming the existence of genetic variability in the specie. Results revealed biological and ecophysiological information about the specie, such as the chemical polymorphism correlated with a relevant pharmacological potential, including agroecological possibilities of sustainable development.


pharmacology h. fruticosa botânica química farmacologia alelopatia polimorfismo farmacologia h. fruticosa botanic chemistry allelophaty polymorphism

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