Hematological and enzymatic evaluation and measurement of metal levels in occupational exposure to agricultural chemicals and fertilizers. / Avaliação hematológica, atividade enzimática e níveis de metais na exposição ocupacional aos defensivos agrícolas e fertilizantes




Advancements in the agrochemical industry associated with new seeding techniques make it possible for the country to reach annual crop records in production. However, the chemicals and fertilizers used for increasing productions are by no means harmless to human health. Repeated and inadequate exposures to such chemicals may result in their absorption and cause acute and chronic poisoning. In order to assess these exposures, we measured the activity of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme and evaluated hemograms. In addition, we measured blood levels of metals such as arsine (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and the non metallic selenium in farm workers and urban residents in a region of Rio Verde- GO- Brazil and compared the results. Mean activity of the erythrocyte cholinesterase enzyme in the rural workers presented a significant decrease, indicative of inadequate exposure to cholinesterase inhibiting insecticides. Mean concentrations of the metals As, Cd, Mn, and Zn were higher in rural workers compared to urban residents, which suggests that inadequate exposure to fertilizers and agricultural chemicals may result in their absorption. Mean blood concentration of Se in urban residents was higher compared to rural workers. That can be associated with diet and a possible cause may be a low consumption of high Se foods (Brazils nuts, salmon, oysters, wheat bran, and bovine liver). The hemograms did not present any changes, indicating that its use for monitoring occupational exposures to fertilizers and agricultural chemicals is inadequate.


intoxicação. monitoring carbamates monitoramento poisoning acetylcholinesterase organophosphorates organofosforados carbamatos acetilcolinesterase

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