Guarani settlement strategy and territory on the Southwest plain of Laguna dos Patos and Southeast Mountain Range - RS / Território e estratégia de assentamento Guarani na planície sudoeste da Laguna dos Patos e Serra do Sudeste-RS




The dissertation Guarani Settlement Strategy and Territory on the Southwest Plain of Laguna dos Patos and Southeast Mountain Range - RS has had as the central aim to make a study of regional archaeology, which it has been searched to comprehend the systemic relations of Guarani occupation on a space that takes the low land from Laguna dos Patos southwest border and the high land from southeast mountain range (Serra do Sudeste). From a regional approach, it has searched to identify and to analyze archeological sites, to survey and to comprehend their conservative situation, as well as it has aimed to study the archeological structures and artifact ensemble, so then we can realize the Guarani occupation on its territorial distribution and their functional, economical, and symbolical meanings. On this way, the association of the archeological settlement spatial data distribution, of the techno-tipological analyses systematization, of the archeological sites composition and of the ethnografic and ethnohistorical information, it has allowed to build up a long duration historic view, in which was realized the Guarani groups undertook social web maintenance strategies and intercultural contacts, constituting a territory dominion that articulates itself between the distinct environmental stratum of the region.


dominion territory organização social arqueologia guarani sistema de assentamento arqueologia regional settlement system social organization regional archeology território de domínio guarani archeology

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