Grain size evolution of a vanadium microalloyed steel during bar rolling mill - 38MnSiV5. / Estudo da evolução do tamanho de grão na laminação a quente de barras de aço médio carbono microligado ao vanádio - 38MnSiV5.




Microalloyed steels are used as forging stock for many automotive parts such as crankshafts and connecting rods. Using mathematical equations describing the recrystallization kinetics and grain growth, a spreadsheet has been developed to simulate the austenitic grain size evolution during bar rolling mill schedules as a function of temperature, strain rate and time between passes. The calculated ferritic grain size was compared with samples taken from the process and physical simulation (torsion testing). Comparison between mathematical modeling and physical simulation with the plant bar rolling mill process shows that it is possible to predict the microstructural evolution and confirm the main grain refinement control mechanism as being static recrystallization, under the conditions prevailing in the plant where this study has been carried out.


microalloyed steel grain size aço carbono bar rolling aço microligado ao vanádio tamanho de grãos laminação

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