Grace and reciprocity in an economic project of religious inspiration: the Economy of Communion / GRAÇA E RECIPROCIDADE EM UM PROJETO ECONÔMICO DE INSPIRAÇÃO RELIGIOSA: A ECONOMIA DE COMUNHÃO




The object of this theoretical research is to analyze the dimension of solidarity of the Economy of Communion project. The project emerged from the Focolares Moviment of the Charismatic movement of the Catholic Church, and was inspired by its spiritual leader, Chiara Lubich, in 1991, in Brazil. Based on well organized businesses lead by competent managers with strong ethical motivation, Lubich formulated his project of a new form of economy based on solidarity in response to the grave inequalities in Brazilian social reality. The solidarity proposed in this project is based on the integrative principles of gratitude and reciprocity. The author seeks to verify to what point this conception of solidarity has theoretical plausibility and the possibility of being effective in current macroeconomic and macrosocial contexts, dominated by the neoliberal capitalist system. The author, based on a non- linear dialectic methodology that takes into account human and socioeconomic realities as well as the current global configuration of capitalism, sustains the thesis that the Economy of Communion is not viable. Its contribution, according to the author, is valuable based on its anthropological concept, seeking to overcome the competitive vision of human beings which appears to be inherent in Western Culture, and for offering an alternative organizing principle that is plausible for the functioning of the economy and society.(AU)


economia reciprocidade ciencias humanas neoliberal capitalist system reciprocity neoliberalismo economy solidarity solidariedade

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