Geoprocessamento aplicado à gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos na UGRHI-11 - Ribeira de Iguape e Litoral Sul / Geoprocessing apllied to the management of solid waste in UGRHI-11 - Ribeira de Iguape and southern coast




The water resources managing unit 11 (UGRHI-11), Ribeira de Iguape river Drainage Basin and São Paulo State Southern Coast, presents advances in the management of solid waste, but there are still municipalities deprived of adequate landfills. The objectives of this work are: to indicate possible suitable areas for construction of landfills for municipal solid waste, according to technical and environmental norms, that can be used by more than one municipality, according to Law 12300, which encourages cooperation among municipalities in order to solve problems of solid waste disposal, and to upgrade the knowledge about the actual conditions of final waste destination in UGRHI-11. A field survey of sites of final waste disposal revealed that the conditions of several of them were worse than those reported by the LQI (Landfill Quality Index) of CETESB. The IDRISI Andes system modules (version 15.01), Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) and Ordered Weighted Average (OWA), were used in multi-criteria GIS analysis. Initially, the WLC was used to combine slope, geology, soils, vegetation cover, environmental protection areas, road network, river system and urban areas maps, resulting in a combined suitability map. In a second moment, the OWA was applied to restrict the search, with a more complex ordering of weights. After OWA, using the Network Analyst extension of the ArcGIS system, a logistical study was carried out to classify the suitable areas, considering the distance of waste sources, roads and size, aiming at finding sites usable by more than one municipality. According to NBR 13896 (June 1997), the life span of a sanitary landfill must be at least 10 years. The possible sites were classified according to the size of landfills that could be built in, also considering the possibility of population growth until 2020. Suitable areas for sanitary landfills were located at all municipalities considering individual needs. Then the search area and the size of acceptable areas were increased, locating sites that may attend to more than one municipality, ranked by size and distances to urban areas. The GIS techniques employed were considered adequate. for solid waste management studies, allowing to take into account different factors and saving costs by discarding in early stages unsuitable areas, and to rank sites by suitability to larger landfills. Finding suitable areas for collective landfills can support political negotiations to an efficient management of municipal solid waste.


gis sig solid wast management environmental bacia hidrográfica do rio ribeira gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos ribeira river watershed ugrhi-11 ugrhi-11 meio ambiente

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