Geological-geotechnical characterization of the uncontrolled sanitary landfill of São Carlos-SP / Caracterização geológico-geotécnica do lixão desativado de São Carlos-SP, com auxílio da geofísica




Unfortunately the brazilian cities, in its majority, discharge its domestic solid wastes without any control, which produces grave consequences such as contamination of the air, earth, and both superficial and the groundwater. This work carried out a geological-geotechnical characterization and geophysical studies of the uncontrolled sanitary landfill of São Carlos – SP, and also the analysis of the evolution of the contamination previously identified by other authors in the area. The residues were disposed inadequately in this area for approximately 17 years, in an area constituted by porous soils overlapping sandstones of Botucatu formation. This practice ceased completely in 1996, but the contamination process didn’t stop up to now. For investigation of the development of the plume of contamination several procedures were used: geophysical surveys (eletroresistivity and induced polarization), infiltration characterization tests of the unconsolidated materials and analysis of the results already existing. The results show that these techniques were enabled to characterizing the current situation of contamination of the area, showing that there is a propagation of a plume of contamination with direction NW, and that there also may be contamination occurring vertically. This contamination on the vertical direction may be allowed by the existence of a discontinuity under the sanitary landfill, high permeability of the sandy materials in the area, by the lack of less permeable layers and by the seasonal variation of the groundwater level.


solid domestic waste são carlos resistividade elétrica evatuation of infiltration resíduos sólidos urbanos induced polarization são carlos electrical resistivity ensaios de infiltração

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