Genetic and morphological patterns in populations of Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera:Culicidade). / Padrões genético-morfológicos em populações de Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae).




Culex quinquefasciatus is a pantropical synanthropic species of great medical interest. Several attempts to control this species have fail due to its microvelution of resistance to insecticides. In order to detect populational variation indicative of microevolution, two populational samples from State of São Paulo were compared: São Paulo municipality (Park Ecológico do Tietê) and Pariquera-Açú municipality. Biological parameters were wing morphometrics, exochorion micrography and ribosomal DNA. Wings characters revealed shape and size divergencies between populations. Exochorion were also interpopulationally different. Polymorphisms observed may be a result of genetic differentiation. rDNA was homogeneous intra and interpopulationally. Gene flow between populations appears to be reduced, which may be closely related to the dispersional dynamics of these mosquitoes. Such interpretation is relevant to a better understanding of transmission of diseases by these insects.


culex morfometria culex insects vectors evolução microscopia eletrônica immunology evolution insetos vetores microscopy eletronic imunologia morphometric

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