Gasoduto Urucu-Coari-Manaus: impacto ambiental e socioeconômico na cidade de Manacapuru-AM / Pipeline Urucu-Coari-Manaus: environmental and socioeconimic impact in the city of Manacapuru-AM


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The project Urucu-Coari-Manaus pipeline network is a leading natural gas Solimões Terminal - TESOL in the city of Coari to Manaus Refinery - REMAN in the city of Manaus, in Amazonas state. The pipe of the pipeline occupies an area of approximately 700 km across the territories of the seven counties of the State of Amazonas Coari Codajás, Anori, Anamã, Caapiranga, Manacapuru and Iranduba. With this natural gas field in the basin of the Solimões / Amazonas, signals to a high potential for regional development in power generation gas. Its use has been appointed as a benchmark in the economy of the Western Amazon. In 1998, in the same range of pipeline Urucu to the Solimões Terminal, was built the section of pipeline to Manaus. The construction of the pipeline may be a factor of socio-economic development in a region with few options especially for energy sources. In this sense, the study of natural resource (gas) pipeline in question and its environmental and socioeconomic impacts becomes increasingly important as it contributes to research in this area and may be seen the results of environmental and socioeconomic impacts, especially in the city of Manacapuru-AM. This research demonstrates the importance of natural resources in the questioning of economic development with environmental preservation. Thus, in geographical science can say that the theme \"Natural Resource\", requires an approach that considers the social and natural. On the one hand, the feature is something to which it refers, so it is historical, the other is natural and requires knowledge of the dynamics of nature to understand their occurrence and distribution on the surface or crust. This research has developed on-site checking the relevance of deployment of the Urucu-Coari-Manaus analyzing the social and economic aspects in that municipality.


energia energy environmental and socioeconomic impact gasoduto impacto ambiental e socioeconômico pipeline

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