Futebol para cegos (futebol de cinco) no Brasil : leitura do jogo e estrategias tatico-tecnicas / Football for blind (football five-a-side) in Brazil : game understanding and tactical-technical strategies




The football for blind is a team sport that provides the practice of the football phenomenon for blind people. Its rules are based on futsal rules. The current adaptations aim to contemplate the blind people specific characteristics. In this context, this study objectives to describe and analyze the football for blind specific characteristics: What are the contexts and characters which mediate the development and practice of this sport? How are the teams organized? What are the tactical-technical strategies used by players according to their different perceptions? Seeking to achieve this target, we used the semi-structured interview to collect the data from six players who played for the Brazilian team in the Paralympics Games Athens 2004, Pan- American Games 2005 and World Championship 2006; and the coaches who have trained or not the Brazilian team, but have already managed top teams in the country. After the interviews transcriptions, they were analyzed by Enunciation Analyses, a technique from Contend Analyses. The data showed the cultural mediation circle of football for blind, influenced by the football phenomenon and stared by the following characters: football players, family, teacher/coach, friends and football for blind players. These characters interact in the following contexts for the sport?s learning mediation: institute/entity, events (adapted sport), Brazilian team and Physical Education courses. For the regencial basis exercise the teams develop communication strategies based on the standard of terms, decentralization and personification. The tactic systems signify and support the communication, because the received information depends on the function of each player. For the offensive principles the teams used preestablished plays and upgraded the sport tactical-technical patrimony. For the defense the teams focus their organization in the ball circulation, characterizing the zone defense and providing the covers. In the transition between offensive and defensive sides the teams seek to use the goalkeeper visual sense, trying to surprise the rival with quick throws. For the game understanding the players develop a mental map of the court from sonorous and kinetics referential. This mental image enables players to guide themselves by the game space, based on fixed referential points, and previewed in rules. The team communication and the rival communication, provides the localization of the mobile referential (players). Knowing other players characteristics, either colleagues or opponents, also help the game understanding. With the information obtained by game reading, the player processes it according to his perception skills and selects the tactical-technical strategies that he judges necessary to solve the problem situation in what he is


cegos sports for disabled people football visual impaired futebol physica education for disabled people deficientes visuais educação fisica para deficientes esportes para deficientes visual disabled futebol - estudo e ensino blinds

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