Funcões executivas na criança com deficit de atenção : avaliação ultilizando testes neuropsicologicos e atividades de programação em logo




Children with Attention Deficit Disorder were submitted to an evaluation emphasizing the cognitive aspects of executive functions of the prefrontal cortex, 21 matched pairs of children with attention deficit and normal controls were selected from a population from two Brazilian public schools in the city of Campinas, in the state of São Paulo. The sample was evaluated using neuropsychological tests in conjunction with a series of activities using the Logo computer programming language. A manual for scoring the Logo activities was developed in order to systematize the analysis of the Logo files and observations. The analyses of the results integrates the neuropsychological and Logo data with the objective of identifying specific difficulties in the modulation of intentions during the problem solving processo The attention deficit group demonstrated intentions which were more poorly structured, more restricted and less flexible than those formulated by the control group. Alterations in the modulation of the motor system was also demonstrated by the attention deficit group. Cluster analysis separated the sample into clusters with better or worse performance on each instrument. The best performance cluster consistently contained elements from both the attention deficit and normal control groups. This result raises questions as to the pervasiveness of the observed behaviors in a non-clinical population. Case studies are elaborated in order to exemplify the observed behaviors. A clinical mo del for the qualitative evaluation of the child with attention deficit disorder is presented


neuropsicologia disturbio da falta de atenção com hiperatividade

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