Formação estelar no complexo de nuvens moleculares em Monoceros / Star Formation in the Molecular Cloud Complex in Monoceros


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




We compare two molecular clouds of the Monoceros Complex in order to study their physical conditions related to the early stages of star formation. The selected clouds, Rosette (RMC) and Monoceros R2 (Mon R2), are interesting regions due to their characteristics that may be confronted with the hypothesis of star formation triggered by high velocity clouds (HVCs) crossing through the Galactic plane. We evaluate the properties of these clouds using maps obtained on the basis of dierent spectral bands to trace the density of the clouds and the young stellar objects, in particular H2O masers that show typical features of massive protostars. This analysis allowed us to verify some similarities between RMC and Mon R2, but also revealed interesting dierences. In a general way there is an agreement between Av, CO and dust emission at 100 microns; RMC has many clumps, a few clusters and a single main nebulosity that is an HII region around NGC2244, while Mon R2 has a few clumps, several young clusters and small nebulosities. In RMC there is a large number of massive stars, uniformly distributed, while Mon R2 has a few B stars, distributed in lamentary structures with levels of Av higher than in RMC; maser sources have IRAS colors compatible with massive protostars candidates, but do not seem to be associated with X-ray sources, suggesting that masers are more related to the protostellar phase, while X-ray sources are related to pre main sequence phase. We conclude that the distribution of objects and the structure of the clouds are in accordance with the simulations of HVC models. However, our results are also compatible with alternative models of the Galaxy dynamics that explain the scenario of star formation in the Monoceros Complex.


molecular clouds formação estelar interestelar medium meio interestelar nuvens moleculares star formation

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