Formação e prática docente musical no processo de educação inclusiva de pessoas com necessidades especiais.




The objective of this research is to identify and reflect on relations between musical education practices for children with special needs in basic school and formation of music teachers for the attendance to these necessities. Participants were three music teachers, identified as Paulo, Renata and Rita, teaching in schools of the Great São Paulo area, where pupils with special needs are inserted regularly. The data were collected through individual interviews, remarks in the music classes and theoretical studies of the participant professors. The data collection, from September, 2004 to September 2005, was carried through in accordance to time availability of the researcher and the participants. The interviews was planned mainly to express participant conceptions related to musical education, special education, deficiency and inclusion and remarks in the classes contributed to characterize the performance of them. In addition, the curricular greeds and the education plans for basic education, graduation and post graduation had the intention to analyze the participants academic formation in the areas of education, musical education and special education and the performance of music teachers related to musical education for people with special needs and their inclusion in the context of musical education. Beyond the discussion about musical teaching and the searching of the foundations for a new teachers behavior that favor the learning of this artistic language, results points out to the necessity of courses directed to the formation of professors (initial and continued) to discuss including practices and new researchs about musical education in these inclusion contexts. Facing the necessity of a deeper understanding of this task among music professionals for inclusion and analyzing proposals to make it effective, the present research can constitute and important help and subsidy .


educação inclusiva professores - fomação prática de ensino professores de música educação especial - inclusão educação musical educacao especial

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