Experiência, narrativa e intersubjetividade : o processo de restabelecimento ("recovery") na perspectiva de pessoas com o diagnóstico de esquizofrenia em tratamento nos centros de atenção psicossocial / Experience, narrative and intersubjectivity : the process of recorvery in the perspective of persons with the diagnosis of shizophrenia in treatment at the psychosoial care centers


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The recovery process, in the perspective of persons who received the diagnosis of schizophrenia, it has been increasingly studied worldwide. Since the 1960 s, different studies has been questioned the kraepelin´s legacy in which schizophrenia is seen as necessarily degenerating and chronic disorder. Such studies reveal the existence of a wide and heterogeneous spectrum of outcomes related to the disorder. In Brazil, the Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) arise in the context of Psychiatric and Sanitary Reforms, as strategic services which objective is to promote the access,receptiveness, mental, comprehensive mental health care and social rehabilitation for persons with serious mental disorders However, some authors alert to the fact that the CAPS still find challenging obstacles to overcome the hospitalocentric care model This masters s dissertation is bounded to a wider multisite research project, carried out through a partnership between UFRJ, UNICAMP, UFF and UFBA and was funded by CNPq. It is a qualitative inquiry in wherein we analyzed, informed by the reference frame of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics, the narratives on the process of recovery, in the perspective of people with severe mental disorder, in treatment at the CAPS in Campinas, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador. The methodological strategies for data collection was participant observation, diagnosis interviews and focus groups, which were recorded, transcribed, codified and analyzed Among the 18 participants, 12 were men, 10 were single, 7 caucasian and 5 afrodescendents (3 in Salvador and 2 in Rio) and 10 users s had less than 8 years of study. The age mean was 44 years, with minimum age with 30 years and maximum 64 a. We identified the following categories from data analysis: self experience/selfawareness; illness process effects; diagnosis and diagnosis effects; existence and coping strategies;possibilities related to the future; recovery process causes and contingences; idea of cure/mental health increasing; CAPS and treatment context; life dynamic context and family and interpersonal relations and continuity/discontinuity of experience. We found as well different narrative modes or types, such as: cause and contingence; prototypes; description of experience; ethical and moral narratives and embodied narratives. In the perspective of users, the recovery process is characterized as a non-linear and complex process, which involves different dimensions of daily life. Despite of glimping the possibility of mental health increasing, the cure and the return to pré-morbid state seems to be a remote possibility for the users which indicates the co-existence of more and/or less auspicious perspectives related to the recovery process.


acontecimentos que mudam a vida narração esquizofrenia reabilitação serviços comunitários de saúde mental life change events narration schizophrenia rehabilitation community mental health services

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