Evaluation of shrinkage and creep of self-compacting concrete for application in precast elements / Avaliação de retração e fluencias do concreto auto-adensavel para aplicação em elementos pre-moldados




This project analyzed, theoretically and experimentally, the mechanical and rheological behavior of the selfcompacting concrete (C.A.A.), specially its features according to slow deformation, shrinkage and creep, and its applicability in precast elements. Two compositions of concrete of different classes of resistance were developed, 35 MPa and 55 MPa. In the stage of the dosage, the procedures of the method REPETTE-MELO were used, rheometrical tests, fluidness tests and Mini-Slump were carried out on the pastes and the mortars, and control tests, such as Slump-Flow, funnel V test, box L, box U and tube U, and mechanical properties tests, such as tensile strength, compression strength and elasticity module were used to define the C.A.A. feature. The evaluation of the concrete behavior by creep happened at ages of 7, 14, 28, and 56 days, according to NBR 8224 (ABNT, 1983), and by shrinkage according to MERCOSUL NM 131:9. The experimental results were compared with values from conventional concrete available in the literature. All tests were performed at CESP Civil Engineer Laboratory, and at Hydrology Laboratory of the UNESP in Ilha Solteira-SP. In the fast deformation study, traction tests in flexion were performed at 28 and 56 days. The creep coefficients were calculated either through experimental values as by the NBR 6118 and compared each other, showing a good correlation, with differences smaller than 10% for all ages. The composition of self-compacting concrete was established for evaluation, in partnership with precast elements company Protendit of São José do Rio Preto-SP, where were shaped beams, in real scale, which showed better finishing and they showed themselves 50% more economical regarding labor, when compared with conventional concrete beam. The results reached show that the compositions of self-compacting concrete present higher values of shrinkage and creep when compared with conventional concrete of same strength. The C.A.A. that presented compression strength equal to 55 MPa showed a lower shrinkage and basic creep that C.A.A. strength of 35 MPa


precast concrete concreto pre-moldado concrete concreto

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