Evaluation of gastric pH in dogs treated with omeprazole - an experimental study / Avaliação do pH gástrico de cães tratados com omeprazol – estudo experimental


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The antisecretory gastric acid drugs are widely used in veterinary medicine, however there are few studies on these drugs in dogs being that many of these data are taken from human medicine. Among these drugs, one of the most used is the omeprazole due to its bigger potency by blocking the hydrochloric acid production in the stomach. This study aimed to measure the gastric pH in healthy dogs after administration of two different doses of omeprazole at different times of evaluation. Six clinically healthy adult female dogs were selected weighing between 10 and 15 kg. All animals received a percutaneous gastrostomy tube (PEG) first placed with endoscopic assistance and the gastric content was collected for measurement of pH (pH meter), performed using a portable digital pH meter. Before omeprazole administration, the gastric pHs of all animals in the study were measured every two hours for seven days in order to elaborate a control pH curve. Thereupon this period, the dogs were submitted to daily administration of omeprazole orally at a dose of 1.5mg/kg SID for seven days and had their measurements taken every two hours during those days. Five days after the end of the last measurement, a new week experiment was also performed by changing the dosage of the omeprazole to 3.0mg/kg. The week control revealed that the measured pH values were variable throughout the day, although very acidic in most of the time. With the use of omeprazole at a dosage of 1,5mg/kg, gastric pH values showed lower acidity (average pH value = 3.260) compared to control weeks (average pH value = 2.487) and evidenced less variation during the day. At a dose of 3,0mg/kg the pH was even less acidic, presented more stable values than previous weeks, and got closer to the required standards of acid suppression for treatment of gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcers in humans. It follows that the omeprazole dosage of 3,0mg/kg was the most appropriate for achieving the desired acid suppression in the treatment of stomach diseases.


phmetria gástrica omeprazol ranitidina clinica veterinaria gastric ph omeprazole ranitidina

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