Estudos cromossômicos e moleculares em espécies de lagartos microteídeos, com ênfase na tribo Ecpleopodini (Gymnophthalmidae, Squamata) / Chromossomal and molecular studies on species of microteiid lizards, with emphasis on Ecpleopodini (Gymnophthalmidae, Squamata)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study contributes to knowledge of the family Gymnophthalmidae, adding new genetic data of three genes for the tribe Ecpleopodini and description of 11 new karyotype for the family, belonging to the tribes Ecpleopodini, Heterodactylini, Iphisiini and Gymnophthalmini. Phylogenetic analysis for the tribe Gymnophthalmini aimed to investigate the position of Scriptosaura Catimbau, recently described species which has 2n = 48 and was recovered as sister group of Nothobachia ablephara, both related to Calyptommatus. In Ecpleopodini, the analysis was performed to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among genera of the tribe and the placement of the species Kaieteusosauros hindsi. It was recovered the monophyly of the tribe and a clade composed of the genera Anotosaura, Dryadosaura (2n = 44, 20M+24m) and Colobosauroides (2n = 44, 20M+24m), however, the relationship among other genera, including Kaieteurosaurus, could not be established and, based on cytogenetic data, it can be seen the predominance of karyotype with a division into macro and microchromosomes. Although the family gymnophthalmids exhibit a high karyotypic diversity, the tribes and Heterodactylini Iphisiini showed a conservative karyotype, and the eight described species present karyotypes composed of 42 chromosomes with a clear division between macro and microchromosomes (18M +24 m) and Ag-NORs in a pair of microchromosomes. The reasons that contributed to the maintenance of this diplod number in the two tribes are still to be investigated, but apparently, this may be the ancestral karyotype for the subfamily Gymnophithalminae and may have originated the karyotypic diversity in the Gymnophthalmini for a series of fission events centric. New karyotypic and molecular studies should be conducted to establish trends in chromosomal and evolution in the tribe Ecpleopodini, which seems to have a simultaneous and rapid divergence, and to a better understanding of the family that has a high diversity and systematic chromosome far from well established.


karyotypic evolution microteídeos microteiid phylogenetic relationships relações filogenéticas evolução cariotípica citogenética cytogenetics

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