Estudo sobre determinação de parâmetros elétricos de geradores síncronos de polos salientes / Study about determination of electric parameters of synchronous generators of salient poles


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Synchronous generators are responsible for almost all electric energy produced in the world. Due to its natural application in electric energy generation of low speed type, salient poles synchronous generators are widely used in hidroelectric energy generation, in energy convertion in ships, emergency engine/generator groups or in local generation not linked to the electric system. Actually they are very used in aeolic generation. Its intense use always demands digital simulations of the electrical systems operation where they are connected to. To carry on simulations the knowledge of the values of its electrical parameters are necessary. This work dedicates to the identification of the electric standardized parameters of salient poles synchronous generators (reactances and time constants) through the sudden three-fase short circuit test, load rejection tests in direct and arbitrary axes and stand still frequency response tests. Discussions are made regarding the methods above mentioned under the aspect of implementation and reliability. Some comparisons are shown about the performances of the methods and experimental results from tests runned in the laboratory me shown.


geradores eletricos ensaios curtos-circuitos electrical generators tests short circuits

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