Contribuição ao estudo do disturbio do panico e prolapso da valva mitral




In our sample, we couldn t differentiate between the patients suffering from Panic Disorder from those ring from Panic Disorder plus Mitral Valve Prolaps. The hipothesis of dealing with one sole group with one sole can not be dismissed. Female, young adult patients in their median thirties (about 34 years old) and with a low leveI Disor with with or without PMV on the patients work which was mainly housework. The most common complaints were in the following order: palpitations and breathlessness, palpitations and pain in the chest, breathlessness and pain chest. The most common symptoms refered to during the panic attacks were in the following order: short breath, fear of dying, palpitations plus pain in the chest. In most of the patients it wasn t noticed the of panic occurence pf panic attack accompanying the Circadian rhythm. The patients, in our sample, were complaining from frequent crisis. Most of them did it daily while some of them once or twice a week. That shows the gravity of them panic disorder. The emotional stress was the most reported causing factor of panic attacks, followed in a very small number by physical exercise. Most of the patients didn t report having any protection factor against the panic attacks. The most common complications were in arder: agoraphobia, anxiety and hypochondria. The enuresis and school phobia, coming in second place, were the two symptons which the patient suffered from before getting sick. The Sheehan scale part I for endogen anxiety plus the Hamilton scale for anxiety (in general) showed very high scores, certifying the gravity of panic disorders. The majority of the patients behaved as if they were avoiding phobias. Most of the patients developed agoraphobia. The most common familiar antecedents were in the order: alcoholism, panic, anxiety, depression and agoraphobia. There was a slight elevation in the level of tge plasmatic cholesterol of the patients of our sample. This elevation is low if compared to the levels showed in a similar study ran by Hayward, in the United States. The hypothesis formulated in that last in that work which says that the cause of hipercolesterolemia is related only to the number of panic crisis is contested. Nourishing factors as well as limitation of the activities which lead to a sedentary life can t be dismissed and might explain the differences between the two studies. In most of the 80 patients who took part in the experiment the levels of triglicerides were within the normal standard. For alI the patients, except for one, the EEG were within the normal standard


panico psicologia social psiquiatria

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