Estudo experimental em coelhos do efeito do ácido hialurônico na apoptose pós-traumática de condrócitos / Rabbit experimental-study of hyaluronic acid effect on chondrocyte impact-induced apoptosis


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this study was to assess whether intra-articular injection of high doses of hyaluronic acid immediately after trauma, can reduce apoptosis of chondrocytes. We have developed an experimental study with forty knees of adult rabbits. Animals were anesthetized and each one had had three knee injuries with a block of 1kg, released through a cylinder, 1 meter tall. After the bruises, 2ml of hyaluronic acid were injected in one knee and 2ml saline in the other. Doses were repeated each 3 or 4 days during 30 days. Rabbits were kept in the same environment under controlled temperature, daily activities and meals. Thirty days later, animals have been sacrificed. The cartilage of the medial femoral condyle and trochlea of each knee was retrieved with a scalpel by artrothomy. Specimens were prepared for optical microscopy and TUNEL staining. No information about the experiment was given to individuals who were involved in the preparation and analysis of the slides. Statistical analysis was performed by Students t test for paired data when comparing a group of hyaluronic acid (HA) and control group. We have analyzed a total of 36 knees and have obtained a significant reduction (p <0.001) in apoptosis rate of 68.01% (+ 19.73) for the control group 53.52% (+ 18.09) in the HA group. We conclude that the intraarticular injection of high doses of hyaluronic acid starting immediately after trauma, reduces impact-induced chondrocytes apoptosis rates in rabbits


Ácido hialurônico apoptose apoptosis chondrocytes coelhos condrócitos hyaluronic acid knee traumatism knee/anatomy &histology rabbits traumatismo do joelho joelho/anatomia &histologia

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