Estudo dos produtos químicos originados a partir da degradação do gel de clorexidina a 2%, por meio da Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada à Espectrometria de Massas / Study of chemicals derived from the degradation of 2 % chlorhexidine gel, by means gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this study was to determine, by means of gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS), products originated from the degradation of 2 % chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) gel. Three gels were selected: commercial Gel_Chlorhexidina® (Maquira), 2 % CHX gel UNIARARAS (handled at the Pharmacy Education UNIARARAS) and 2% CHX gel prepared in laboratory from a commercial 20% CHX solution (Sigma®). For comparison of the results, a 2% CHX solution was also prepared from the same commercial 20 % CHX solution (Sigma®). For assessment of the products of 2 % CHX degradation, the gels and the solution were weighed (1 g / gel - 1 mL / solution) and placed in plastic tubes (Eppendorf®). The tubes were divided into four different storage conditions (on the workbench with and without the presence of light, Pasteur oven at 36.5 °C without light and in a refrigerator at 8 °C without light) and four different evaluation periods (initial and after 1 month, 3 months and 6 months of storage), resulting in 52 chromatographic analyses. After the specified evaluation periods, the samples were extracted, filtered and analyzed by GC-MS. The results showed that, in the initial analysis, all gels and the solution already contained CHX degradation products (reactive oxygen species - ROS). One of the ROS was para-chloroaniline (pCA). In addition to pCA, other ROS were observed, oCA and/or mCA (pCA isomers) as well as the organochlorines ortho-chlorophenyl isocyanate and 2-amino-5-chloro-benzonitrile. The percentage of pCA calculated in the CHX gel samples was neither gradual nor uniform, raising the possibility of lack of homogeneity in gel formulation. The lack of homogeneity was confirmed by UV/Vis spectrophotometry. Changes in the preparation of the CHX gels were suggested, and the homogeneity of the CHX gels prepared following the suggestions was confirmed by UV/Vis spectrophotometry. It was concluded that the 2% CHX gels and solution evaluated in this study presented products from CHX degradation in all storage conditions and evaluation periods, and this degradation is an intrinsic problem of CHX. The products formed from the oxidation of CHX are toxic and have genotoxic characteristics, and may pose risks for humans such as damage to cells and DNA. Further studies are required to determine the carcinogenic potential of CHX and its degradation products and whether the use of products containing CHX in humans is safe.


chlorhexidine clorexidina cromatografia gasosa espectrometria de massas gas chromatography mass spectrometry para-chloranilline para-cloroanilina

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