Estudo dos efeitos do diabetes induzido por estreptozotocina sobre as glandulas supra-renais e testiculos de camundongos




ln the present study, morphometrical and morphological (histological and ultrastructural) parameters of the adrenal and testicle glands of mice treated with estreptozotocin (STZ) were evaluated. Sixteen male mice, with 90 days, were divided in the following experimental groups: Group 1 - control; Group II - diabetic. During the treatment, weekly tests of urine were realized with reagent bands. The animaIs were sacrificed 32 days after the verification of the diabetic state of the group II, through the in situ fixation by perfusion. Soon after, the adrenal and testic1es glands were removed weighed and processed for the studies. The evaluation of the protein rate of the urine of the animaIs of the groups, showed an increase of 1,4 times in the group 11. It was verified that the average glucose rate of the urine in the group 1 was negative, while in the group II the average was of950 mgldl. The average corporal weight ofthe animaIs of the group 1 presented an increment of 4,86% and it was noticed a decrease of 12,47% in the group 11. Through the morphometrical study, it was verified the reduction of 15% in the average weight of the testicles of the diabetic mice. ln these glands, significant decrease was verified (p <0,01) of the diameter of the seminiferous tubules. The adrenal glands were shown larger (23,75%), when compared whit the animaIs of the group I. It was observed through the light and electron microscopy study, and the morphometrical analysis, a significant increase (p <0,01) of the fascicular zone, suggesting an increase of the number of its cells. ln the glomerular and reticular zones, significant increases were not observed. The light and electron microscopy study didn t evidence important alterations in the cells of the studies glands


glandulas supra-renais testiculos diabetes

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